Hargen Ultimate Tournament


Here is all of the important information you need to know about HUT:


Team fee: € 80,-
To be transfered after registration is complete. Be aware that if more than 24 teams have registered, the teams that have not payed their team fee will be immediately put on the waiting list. If you cancel your team's registration after you have been selected to play and there is no new team available on the waiting list, only 50% of your team fee will be refunded.

Player's fee: € 40,00
This fee is to be paid per player and includes: the ability to play, a fabulous barbecue and breakfast on sunday morning (there is enough to make your sunday lunch). This fee does not include the cost of camping. You'll have to transfer the player's fee once your team has been accepted.

Camping: € 7,50 per person / per night.
This fee has to be paid at the campsite and is seperate from the HUT organisation. Be sure to bring cash for this!

Tournament Info

Hargen can host a maximum of 24 teams. If more than 24 teams subscribe, the first 24 teams that subscribed and have paid the the teamfee will enter the tournament.
When a team withdraws itself from HUT 2024 after it has been allowed into the tournament, only half of the teamfee will be returned, unless an other team can be found to take the place of the team that has withdrawn.

Playing is 5 against 5, open/loose mixed. There are no rules for choosing gender. Games will be 25 to 35 minutes, depending on the schedule, no halftime.

We hope to sent the schedule on wednesday before the tournament.

Staying, Food and Party

Staying overnight
In your own tent on a campsite about 5 km from the beach.

A barbecue will be held on the campsite on saturday evening (options available for vegetarians). There will be a breakfast provided on Sunday morning (there is enough to make your sunday lunch).

There is no frisbee party organized at HUT, because there is a party on the beach organized by the Hargen Sail organisation. Admission to this party is not included into the playersfee.

To participate at HUT is completely at your own risk.

Hargen aan Sail

HUT is part of the beach sport event Hargen aan Sail. Info of the event, the other sports organized and the parties: www.hargenaansail.nl

Getting there

By Public Transport:

Bus: Lijn 151 Alkmaar - Petten :
For the camping get out at stop Koningsweg.
For the beach of Hargen aan Zee get off at the stop Camperduin-Hondsbosscheweg and walk on the beach of Camperduin in southern direction to the beach of Hargen aan Zee in about 30 minutes.
For the shower location at De Blinkerd the stop De Blinkerd.

By Car:
For your routplanner enter for:
Camping Duinrand S: Schoorl, Smeerlaan 2, 1871 ET 2
Beach Hargen: Schoorl, Hargerstrandweg 1, 1871 GZ 1


For parking at the beach the fees are from 10.00 - 19.00 € 2,20 per hour with a maximum of € 6,60 per day.

©2019 Hargen Ultimate Tournament. Alle rechten voorbehouden.
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